Helping Teens and Young Adults

Discover who they are and achieve their dreams

Educator, Coach, Consultant, Author, Public Speaker

Ann has been a Godsend with our daughter Natalia. Her coaching skills and personalized assistance has worked wonders.
— David (Parent)
I learned that doing what you love is more important than the money that comes from it. This year was the most life-changing year by far. A class that taught me to chase my dreams.
— Nathan (Student)
It’s heartening to know Noah cherishes the time spent with you and thrives under your guidance.
— Stacey (Parent)


Summer 2024

  • Do you know what your dreams are? Want to make them come true? Join this program for an exploration of what you want and who you want to be. Learn how to set and achieve goals, develop a growth mindset, and overcome thinking traps. This six week program will add personal growth to your summer adventures!

Fall 2024

  • Do you know what your dreams are? Do you want to know how to make your dreams come true? Join this course for an overview of the tools and techniques for becoming the best you that you can be! Learn how to set and achieve goals, develop a growth mindset, and overcome thinking traps. Plan and navigate around obstacles standing in the way of your dreams!

  • Designed with the challenges young adults face in mind, this program focuses on strengthening self-awareness in order to design your path to your dreams. Learn how to set and achieve goals, develop a growth mindset, and overcome thinking traps. Plan and navigate around obstacles standing in the way of your dreams!


  • Do you know what your dreams are? Do you want to know how to make your dreams come true? Join this course for an overview of the tools and techniques for becoming the best you you can be! Learn how to set and achieve goals, develop a growth mindset, and overcome thinking traps. Plan and navigate around obstacles standing in the way of your dreams!

  • Do you want to write effectively to communicate your thoughts, ideas, hopes, and desires? Do you want to strengthen your writing skills? This course is for reluctant and avid writers alike. As a Registered Instructor through the Institute for Excellence in Writing, Ann Welch will help you learn and develop skills to become a confident and effective writer!

  • If you have questions about what to do next in your life, I will teach you how to find your answers and solutions. Join this course to learn the skills necessary to investigate your questions and make important decisions to achieve success and follow your dreams! What is the next step in your journey. College? Career? Training? Want to know what to do and how to do it? Learn tools to find your answers!

  • Speaking is an important form of communication. Learn how to develop confidence in speaking in front of a group, in casual conversation, and how to get your message across. During this course, you will create and deliver speeches based on your individual goals and aspirations.

Fall 2024

Separate courses for teens and young Adults


I believe that for success in this world, people need:

  • a sense of who they are,

  • a purpose or direction to go in,

  • a plan for getting there,

  • a way to evaluate their plan, and

  • the skills necessary to evaluate and adapt their plan if needed.

Teenagers and young adults are just coming into their own. They are uncovering and discovering who they are and what they want out of life. Many times, they lack critical skills to help them on their way. Skills such as:

  • self-awareness,

  • goal-setting and evaluating,

  • self-advocacy,

  • avoiding thinking traps,

  • nourishing a growth-mindset,

  • effective communication,

  • time-management

When these skills are missing, it can result in struggles at home or school, inability to find a job or keep a job, low self-esteem, lack of motivation, disorganization, constantly being late or missing deadlines…


I help teens and young adults:

  • Develop self-awareness to clearly understand their strengths, challenges, and dreams.

  • Learn how to set goals and monitor their progress.

  • Create plans and develop strategies for overcoming obstacles.

  • Evaluate progress and reflect on their goals and strategies, adapting as needed.

  • Celebrate achievements!

Academic Support

I partner with teens and young adults to make the connection between what they are learning, their dreams, and their lives.

I support effective communication with instructors through strengthening self-awareness and self-advocacy skills.

I provide academic support for various courses while developing problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.

Stories from the Rolodex

Free PDF’s

The Golden Age of American Journalism comes alive for your teen, enriching English, Social Studies, and Journalism curriculum.

These amazing & inspiring true stories are FREE TO